
Reaching The Church
Welcomed Materials
Removing The Stigma, brought mental health and suicide prevention resources to New Community Bible Fellowship Church in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. The resources were well-welcomed, and as crowds gathered many were concerned about ways to prevent suicide, and a better understanding of mental illness as it relates to the local community and the church.

Conversation with Local Pastors
Executive Director Denise Holcomb talks with Pastor Ausberry, and Pastor Howard,about the mission and vision of Removing The Stigma, and the need to reach local churches.

Conversations and Resources
As church members gathered around the resource tables, there were conversations about the need to see more information offered in the church.

Resources from the Ohio area
Resources from: Removing The Stigma, Highland Springs Mental Health and Substance Use Hospital, ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County, Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation, NAMI of Greater Cleveland, Point of Freedom. and Ohio Association of Behavioral Health Authorities.

The First Visionary
The very first visitor at the resources table was a young man eager to learn about what resources were available.

Its was a Divine Message
The message of the day was divinely orchestrated. Pastor Ausberry did not know that Removing The Stigma was going to have a resource table in the fellowship hall for the congregation, yet his message was divinely orchestrated, which was titled "Stand Out! Don"t Stay Down."